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#MemberMonday: An Affiliate Story – Anchor Center for Blind Children

By Brandi McGrath Kong, Director of Communications & Conferences

When Sertoma established its current mission statement around 15 years ago, organizations like the Anchor Center for Blind Children were the type of entity they had in mind. Our goal is to improve the quality of life today for those at risk or impacted by hearing loss through education and support, and with a 2024 Sertoma Community Grant, Anchor Center was able to purchase adaptive equipment for its students with hearing loss.

Executive Director Meghan Klassen said that the grant of nearly $5,000 has helped its preschool students flourish, leading to an increase in class participation and enjoyment. Several of the children are learning to use augmentative and alternate communication (AAC) devices to further their communication skills. While there is certainly a learning curve to the devices, regular use, practice and enthusiastic support from adults allows children to adapt and become empowered. 

“These speech-generating devices give children the ability – and the freedom – to express themselves,” Klassen explained. “As they learn to use the device, they not only communicate, but participate more fully in life.”

Anchor Center is home to a technology lending library that allows staff to access numerous technologies like AACs to use with children while at school. Families are also able to borrow the devices for use at home as needed. The Center currently works with over 140 children and 270 family members annually.

The Anchor Center for Blind Children has served Colorado children aged 0-5 years with visual and dual sensory impairments since 1982. The nonprofit offers center-based, home and community services, including early intervention, special education, developmental therapies and family support. Their work focuses primarily on early, specialized interventions for cognitive, communication and mobility challenges. The Anchor Center has been a Sertoma Affiliate since 2017 and is sponsored by the Platte Canyon Sertoma Club. To learn more about the Anchor Center, visit

“You are an important part of our children’s daily learning, discoveries and explorations,” Klaussen said. “Thank you for choosing to make a lasting impact on the families we serve.”